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Поздравляем с днем рождения!
R3RAD Левин Александр Егорович
UA3RAP Козлов Сергей Викторович
UA3RBR Рожков Сергей Николаевич
Круглые столы:
Суббота - 09:00 MSK. Частота 3,668 мгц. Ведущий UA3RA
Среда - 21:00 MSK. Частота 145,300 мгц. Ведущий RU3RN

Доска объявлений

MEMORIAL YO7VS" 50 MHz Contest Печать E-mail
The Radio Club YO HD ANTENA DX GRUP is inviting you on June 15, 2019 from 14.00 UTC - June 16 , 2019 at 14.00 UTC (paralell with the IARU 50 MHz Contest) to take part in the "MEMORIAL YO7VS" 50 MHz Contest (previously known as OLTENIA Six Metters), in which you maybe took part in the past. 1 Invitation to "Memorial YO7VS" 50 MHz (formerly “OLTENIA SIX METERS”) The 23th Edition 2019 Objective: The commemoration of YO7VS, deceased on March 2008 and the continuation of the «Oltenia Six Meters» contest’s tradition. Dick, YO7VS was among it’s initiators and promoters. Contest Period: «The "Memorial YO7VS" 50 MHz» Contest will be held parallel with «IARU-50 MHz» Contest. Start at 14.00 UTC on Saturday, end at 14.00 UTC on Sunday (this year on June 15-16). Band: 50 MHz IARU Region 1 contest band plan. Modes: A1A, A3E, R3A, J3E and F3E(G3E) according to IARU Reg.1 50MHz band plan. Categories: A) Single Operator; B) Multi Operators. Exchanges: RS(T) plus a progressive serial number starting with 001 plus WW QTH loc. Each station can be worked only once. Contacts made via active repeaters do not count for points. Points: 1 km = 1 point. Scoring: Sum of total points. Log instructions: Only electronic logs in EDI format ! Please send (no more than 10 days after the contest) to: Этот e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Для его просмотра в вашем браузере должна быть включена поддержка Java-script Standings will be issued only after the logs received. Awards: The first three places of each category will obtain a "DIPLOMA". The station wich will reached in contest the maximum of points will receive the «“Memorial YO7VS” TROPHY», too. BEST OF LUCK TO ALL THE PARTICIPANTS !
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